Conventional Pressures vs. CEOFlow (Independence Day!)

I sketched these out yesterday, on the 4th of July. Funny – I it didn’t occur to me until now that I was was sketching a form of CEO Freedom on Independence Day!

“Board” (also including any investors and advisors) and “Employees” (which includes executives) are self-explanatory, but here are two short descriptions of what I mean by “Self” and “Personal Life”.


“Self” is your ego or that little voice in your head that’s often criticizing what you’re doing…telling you you should be doing more, better, faster.  It compares you to your friends, your neighbors, the Jones and Google. Nothing’s ever good enough.  The more you can let go of the “Self” and focus on the success of the people around you, the easier it is to get into the flow.

Personal Life

“Personal Life” includes your spouse, children, hobbies, vacation ….  It’s everything that should normally balance you out and ground you, but instead can actually add stress and pressure to your situation if you’re already redlining.

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